By: site.admin On: October 31, 2017 In: Comments: 0

The Consensus Statement on State Policy Reform summarizes policy issues identified at the state forums and the recommended policy changes that will help improve their residents’ access to timely, high-quality mental health and addiction care.

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By: site.admin On: September 08, 2017 In: Comments: 0

The launch of BHECON was featured in Behavioral Healthcare Magazine. To read the article, click here.

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By: site.admin On: September 08, 2017 In: Comments: 0

The Second Annual National BHECON Forum is scheduled for April 22, 2018 at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in Washington, DC immediately preceding the National Council for Behavioral Health annual conference, NatCon18. Mark your calendar now and plan to attend.

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By: site.admin On: August 28, 2017 In: Comments: 0

On April 2, 2017, the National Council for Behavioral Health hosted the first National BHECON Forum at NatCon17, its national conference in Seattle. The forum provided a platform to discuss some of the common themes that emerged from the state BHECON forums, the future direction of behavioral health and...

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